Ethical operation, eco-friendliness and sustainable development are central factors to Auraprint’s everyday operations and we promote responsible management in our company according to our values:
- cooperation and mutual appreciation
- honesty and reliability
- constant improvement and development profitability
In our business operations, responsibility means securing the profitability of the company and creating social and local well-being. We strive to ensure the well-being and occupational safety of our personnel and also require our suppliers to adhere to legislation and sound ethical principles in their operations. Our management system is based on the ISO9001:2015 standard.
Responsibility means choices and continuous improvement
In recent years Auraprint has invested heavily in ways that increase the efficiency and quality of our operations and also allow use to reduce our environmental impacts. New printing technologies and post-processing equipment help us reduce material waste and shorten setup and run times, which also reduces electricity consumption. Our investment into a modern colour kitchen has minimised the amount of waste colours: unused colours are returned to the system and they can be used for future jobs either as is or as components of other colours. The new plate manufacturing equipment makes plate manufacturing more efficient and reduces plate material waste, while our modern plate archive helps keep our plates organised and in great condition so that they can be used in subsequent jobs as well.
Making operations more efficient, increasing recycling and investing into renewable energy play a crucial role in our efforts to make our production processes more eco-friendly. In relation to our turnover, the carbon dioxide emissions of our company had fallen by some 13.8 % from 2015 to the end of 2019. Our turnover grew by approximately 39 % over the same period. The goal is to keep reducing the carbon dioxide emissions even further. The solar power plant located on the roof of our factory building consists of 1500 solar panels. It is a significant investment into renewable energy. The maximum output of the plant is some 500 kWp and it is possible to obtain about 15-20% of our annual energy needs.
For our part, we strive to increase the use of more responsible materials in printed products by introducing new materials to our selection and offering them as options to customers. These materials include new tall oil -based Forest PE and PP materials as well as the PE PCR and PP PCR materials made of recycled plastic waste. The Ravenwood Linerless labels we manufacture are another good example of product development that reduces environmental load: the labels have no liner, which minimizes the amount of waste. We also offer our customers in the packaging industry an easy way to collect and recycle their label waste via our cooperation partner. Collected label waste is used to make new materials. We also pay attention to environmental issues and recyclability in our choices of printing ink and other components.
Auraprint’s production facility has a ISO 9001:2015 certified quality management system that supports our efforts to systematically improve and monitor our operations.
Our quality policy:
- We manufacture and market stickers, product labels, ticket products and forms.
- We meet the expectations and demands of our customers.
- We have adequate resources and expert staff that is educated and motivated.
- We take the requirements of occupational safety and the environment into account in our operations.
The main principles of Auraprint’s environmental policy are responsibility for the environment, environmental and energy efficiency, promotion of sustainable production principles and requiring that our suppliers also bear their responsibility for the environment. Auraprint has already been improving its energy and material efficiency for years and invests heavily into making production processes more efficient.
We adhere to national legislation in all of our operations. Our operations are also regulated by the industry’s collective agreements and standard practices. All kinds of bribery, money laundering, corruption and illegal practices restricting trade are absolutely prohibited. Auraprint does not accept he use of child labour, meaning work performed by employees under 15 years of age, or employees under 14 years of age in countries defined in Article 2.4. of ILO Convention 138.
We also require that our suppliers adhere to our principles that emphasise human rights and the safety of the work environment and prohibit the use of child labour.
Auraprint appreciates its employees and our staff is one of the key factors in the long-term profitability and success of our business. We are also active in our local communities and the society at large, constantly paying attention to matters related equality and equitable treatment. We offer our personnel comprehensive occupational health care and access to high-quality canteen services. We maintain continuous vocational training and organise various staff events on a regular basis.
Taking care of occupational safety is key issue for us. We have created Auraprint’s safety and hygiene guidelines for our staff and our visiting partners and customers. Personnel commit to adhering to these guidelines with their signature.
The goal is to ensure a safe work environment for all of our employees. We strive to have zero occupational accidents. We are constantly improving the cleanliness of our production facilities. For us, cleanliness means security, food safety, efficiency and taking other employees into account.
We have established an occupational health and safety committee at our company that regularly charts risks related to chemicals and occupational safety. We meet all statutory safety requirements. On top of these we maintain a functional reporting system for dangerous situations. We analyse the accidents and dangerous situations that occur and take immediate action to ensure they do not happen again.
With regard to the labels we print, we are an operator in the food production chain. We have completed the HACCP food safety risk assessment. We have also created flow charts of the production processes of our products manufactured for the food industry. Our HACCP team meets regularly.